Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Woolworths Royal Gala Apples with Tobie Puttock

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

This was a great jobbie this one. We gathered 3 helpers to attach our fresh pre-rigged apples to this lovely apple tree sitting completely bare and all alone in a large paddock out in the country. You may ask why they didn't just find a pre-existing apple tree and film that? Two words, wrong season! So the fun of rigging 3,000 apples and dress them on the old tree in the beautiful sunshine and then de-dressed after a days filming. I love my job!

Latina TVC

Recent Latina TVC.

Location BEFORE

Location AFTER
(painting not hung, but sure you get the idea)
Style A Go-Go ~Set Dressing by Pilar~. Design by Pocket